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Our science achievements
The Belorussian Language Contest:
- the laureates of each edition:
II-nd edition, the school year 1995/96:
Halina Sakowska
Aneta Służyńska
Grażyna Wołkowycka
III-rd edition, the school year 1996/97:
Angelina Romańczuk
Justyna Laszkiewicz
Tomasz Sajewicz
IV-th edition, the school year 1997/98:
Igor Iwaniuk
Joanna Masajło
Ewa Oksentiuk
Anna Wasiluk
V-th edition, the school year 1998/99:
Diana Dubko
Anna Najbuk
Anna Sadowska
Wojciech Siegień
VI-th edition, the school year 1999/2000:
Agnieszka Galimska
Katarzyna Martyniuk
Ilona Karpiuk
Paweł Buszko
Paulina Bajko
VII-th edition, the school year 2000/2001:
Ewa Michalczuk
Dawid Skoworodko
The II-nd National Competition of Belorussian Poetry and Prose "Debiut" ("Debut")
Joanna Masajło- I-st place
The XXVIII-th edition of The Russian Language Contest
Ewa Oksentiuk- the finalist
The XXIX-th edition of The Russian Language Contest
Anna Najbuk (IIId)- II-nd place in regional eliminations
The Declamatory Competition "Na wschód od Bugu" ("To the East of Bug")
Julita Adamiuk- VII-th place in central eliminations
The Declamatory Competition "Od Mickiewicza do Miłosza" ("From Mickiewicz to Miłosz")
Julita Adamiuk- II-nd place
The XIV-th edition of The Ecological Contest:
-the following persons from our school were qualified to the final:
Igor Iwaniuk(IVb)
Ilona Karpiuk(IIb)
Marcin Sołoguba(IVb)
The XV-th edition of The Ecological Contest - in the school year 1999/2000:
The following persons from our school were qualified to the provincial stage:
Ilona Karpiuk(IIIb) - she was qualified to the central eliminations
Julita Wołkowycka(IIb)
Ewa Dmitruk(IIb)
The Ecological Contest isn't now continued.
The Preservation of Environment Knowledhe Contest in the school year 1997/98
Adam Czurak- the finalist of the regional eliminations
The German Language Contest in the school year 1991/92
Barbara Timofiejuk- the laureate
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